Description of meditation Courses
每一種靜心都有其科學根據, 協助人們更容易進入靜心的寧靜。
OSHO Meditation is designed for busy people, all techniques are sourced from scientific theories. Meditation is the efficient way to reach our inner self, in a calm and quiet way.
The Meditation camp of Mafute will include the following courses:
9:30 那達布拉瑪靜心
約 1 小時
Nadabrahma Meditation
Nadabrahma meditation lasts for one hour and has three stages. It is a sitting method, in which humming and hand movements create an inner balance, a harmony between mind and body. Suitable for any time of the day, have an empty stomach and remain inactive for at least fifteen minutes afterwards.
“So in Nadabrahma, remember this: let the body and mind be totally together,
but remember that you have to become a witness. Get out of them, easily, slowly,
from the back door, with no fight, with no struggle.” Osho
12:00 那塔若吉靜心
Nataraj Meditation
This is a 65 minute dancing meditation in three stages, with specifically created music.
Disappearing in the dance, then relaxing into silence and stillness, is the route inside for this method.
“Forget the dancer, the center of the ego; become the dance. That is the meditation. Dance so deeply that you forget completely that ‘you’ are dancing and begin to feel that you are the dance. The division must disappear; then it becomes a meditation.
If the division is there, then it is an exercise: good, healthy, but it cannot be said to be spiritual. It is just a simple dance. Dance is good in itself – as far as it goes it is good. After it, you will feel fresh, young. But it is not meditation yet. The dancer must go, until only the dance remains…. Don’t stand aside, don’t be an observer. Participate!
And be playful. Remember the word playful always – with me it is very basic.” Osho
4:15 亢達里尼靜心 TM
約 1 小時
Kundalini Meditation
This meditation lasts for one hour and has four stages, three with music, and the last without.
Kundalini acts like an energetic shower, softly shaking you free of your day and leaving you refreshed and mellow.
9:00 戈利仙卡靜心
約 1 小時
Gourishankar Meditation
This technique, for the nighttime, consists of four stages of fifteen minutes each. The first two stages are preparation for the spontaneous Latihan of the third stage. If the breathing is done correctly in the first stage, the carbon dioxide formed in the bloodstream will make you feel as high as Gourishankar (Mt. Everest).
Meditation information above adopted from the official website of OSHO.
Each of the Meditation courses are trademarked with OSHO and the related foundation.